Environment & Infrastructure

Climate change is showing its predicted effects day after day, year after year. We need to completely change the way we interact with global ecology, geology, and meteorology. There is no single answer; the problem is centuries of pursuing profit at the expense of the environment. Destruction of our ecosystem has been treated as an acceptable cost in all industries. The pollution we have produced with apathy stops now.

This is the bare minimum, and nothing less will be acceptable. These are the federal standards; local standards may be more strict. Higher standards for ADA, per the disability policy, will be applied to all infrastructure and housing. All new construction and the clearing or repurposing of land must be approved by the local Indigenous council.

Fundamentally, this policy’s intent is to provide everyone with a safe environment, from individual shelter within the benefits of society, to the needs of the greater ecosystem. It will be updated in accordance with scientific advancements and understanding to serve that interest.

Weather and Disaster Prediction and Reporting by NOAA:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides an established weather research, prediction, and reporting service already funded by the US government. NOAA emergency reports will now be available to all cell phones, via push notifications as events occur in one’s area.

Natural Disaster Prevention & Response:

Climate change requires flexible adaptation to scientific data and circumstances. The following preventative actions and responses will be implemented where relevant, without limiting zoning.

1. Avalanche:

2. Blizzard/Ice Storm:

  • Prevention: Meteorological prediction, and preemptive resource distribution. Heated roads to prevent ice and snow accumulation. Ensure that residents have heat and water for the duration of the disaster, through power and water grid improvements.
  • Response: Snow removal improvements. Damage repair.

3. Drought:

4. Earthquake:

  • Prevention: Expert observation to predict and record earthquakes. Structural improvements to buildings in earthquake zones in the form of flexible foundations and frames, including a post-tension core.
  • Response: Evacuation and rescue.

5. Fire:

  • Prevention: Controlled Burns. Minimum spacing (5m-24m depending on conditions) between buildings in fire zones. Man-made lakes, rivers, and water sources, especially those on former lake, pond, or river beds. Fire maintenance and response training for residents of fire zones, done by fire departments, under the local indigenous council’s oversight.
  • Response: Evacuation and rescue, and fire fighting.

6. Flooding, Coastal and Inland:

  • Prevention: No new construction in the sea level rise plain, wetlands, and river plains.
  • Response: Evacuation and rescue. Reclaim recyclable materials, and perform bioremediation.

7. Hurricane:

  • Prevention: Switching to round buildings with impact windows for new construction. Flexible framing for tall buildings, with layered support.
  • Response: Resource Distribution and/or evacuation and rescue.

8. Mudslide/Landslide:

  • Prevention: Improve drainage with sewer upgrades, and raised and/or hollow roads. Structurally fortify slopes with specific native vegetation (guided by experts such as botanists).
  • Response: Evacuation and rescue.

9. Pandemic/Epidemic:

  • Prevention: 222 wavelength UV light on public surfaces, as part of standard cleaning, specifically effective for killing the SARS-CoV-2 . Filtered ventilation in all public spaces classified as “essential.” Regular voluntary screening for transmittable infections. Incentivise staying home when sick (guaranteed paid sick leave).
  • Response: quarantine (with UBI and guaranteed housing). Drone delivery and messenger access.

10. Severe Thunderstorms:

  • Prevention: Meteorological prediction. Sewers, gutters, and aqueduct upgrades. Install lightning rods.
  • Response: Severe weather warning issued.

11. Tornadoes:

  • Prevention: Tornado shelters within 10 feet of homes. Structural frame improvements.
  • Response: Evacuation and rescue.

12. Volcanic Eruptions:

  • Strategy: Evacuate residents to a safe location, and then return residents to their desired location as soon as possible, and give them specific individualized support.


Currently, 79% of global CO2 emissions come from the fossil fuel industry, which also supplies 80% of the world’s energy. As a side effect of this, global warming and climate change have ravaged the world, threatening the state of our ecology, sustainability, and ability to survive over the next few centuries, or even decades. As such, changes must be made in order to supply the people with abundant, sustainable, renewable energy that eliminates as much carbon emissions as possible while also contributing to the active efforts to replenish and heal the environment.

The United States will no longer be purchasing, producing, or otherwise acquiring fossil fuels. They shall be left where they are, in the ground. This includes mined oil, gasoline, fossil diesel, coal, natural gas, and non-bio petroleum.

Limited exceptions will be made for medical and scientific research and development that requires plastics and fossil fuel-based chemicals, however even such facilities must still convert to non-plastic or bio-plastic tools wherever possible, and must justify all uses of fossil fuel and fossil fuel byproducts as unavoidable during their quarterly review. Carbon emissions, single-use plastic, and chemical waste will still be subject to the taxes referenced in Triple Bottom Line. Research to completely replace plastic and other fossil fuel byproducts in these industries will also be prioritized.

Instead of fossil fuels we will be powering the country with a variety of renewable energy sources, with consideration for climate, ecological impact, human impact, efficiency, cost, and practicality.

1. Wind turbines:

  • Smaller designs of turbines on city buildings
    • Vertical Double helix wind turbines for tight spaces such as the tops of city skyscrapers.
    • Horizontal wind turbines are more efficient and will be used wherever possible.
  • Make sure turbines are a safe color for birds. Research has shown damage to bird populations was greatly decreased by changing turbine blade color to black.

2. Solar panels:

  • For areas with a good Sun Number
  • For areas with below 80% humidity at least 2/3rds of the year
  • Solar panels (polycrystalline (1) (2) or monocrystalline) must have the following:
  • At least a 10 year lifespan
  • At least 20% efficiency

3. 4th+ generation nuclear reactors:

  • Significantly safer than 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation nuclear reactors.
  • For powering manufacturing facilities with a large energy cost, as well as cities.
  • Placed a safe distance away from residential and agricultural areas.
  • Waste recycled multiple times to reclaim nuclear potential (see fast reactor technology), which will also decrease nuclear waste risks, and make use of existing nuclear waste stores.
  • Final waste product treated by vitrification

4. Damless hydropower:

  • Significantly less environmental impact than dams
  • Doesn’t stop the flow of water
  • Phasing out dams in hydroelectric
  • Decrease reliance on dammed hydroelectric to allow for future restoration of natural water paths.
  • Steps towards phase-out:
    • Evaluate original waterways that have been changed by damming
    • Predict the new course of water, when the dam is dismantled.
    • Relocate residents from impacted homes and other occupied areas.
    • Reclaim recyclable and reusable material.
    • Remove waste and perform bioremediation where necessary.
    • Incrementally increase the amount of water released by the dam. This allows for the natural path of the water downstream to define itself. Minimize impact to animal life upstream by ensuring this is done at an appropriate time of year in local wildlife’s reproductive cycles. Give time for species to relocate. Adjust predictions of the water’s course, and repeat steps 3 through 6 until the dam is not restricting any water.
    • Dismantle the dam.

5. Geothermal:

  • Existing natural geothermal power systems may remain.
  • No new geothermal tapping, due to seismological risks. Watch new research, as this is likely to become a better option as technology evolves.


1. Transitioning to Hemp Biodiesel as Fuel:

  • Hemp Farming
    • Hemp biodiesel is a carbon-negative fuel, meaning the carbon cleaned from the air by growing hemp outweighs the carbon released into the air by burning biodiesel made from the same amount of hemp.
    • Genelines/strains that produce the most seed oil per acre may be favored, though genetic monoculture is to be avoided; all hemp farms must produce no less than 5 strains of hemp, and cross pollinate.
    • Build approximately 82 million acres of vertical farms for growing hemp using vertical farming. Offer educational information to farmers about hemp growing in a vertical farm. Start planting as soon as possible.
    • Harvest within 3 months of planting. Have the seeds processed into biodiesel, and distributed to fuel stations. The plant fiber will be used in manufacturing (cloth, paper, etc). There is unlikely to be much flower, as the goal is to produce as much seed as possible, so all flowers will be pollinated.
    • Begin proper sanitation within 24 hours of harvesting. Plant the next crop as soon as safely possible.
  • Begin Engine Conversions
    • Roll out biodiesel engines to citizens with personal vehicles in areas where hemp biodiesel is available, at no charge to the vehicle owner, once biofuel is available. Do so at a rate in balance with fuel availability, to avoid shortages.
    • Convert all gas powered vehicles by January, 2027. The will be limited exceptions made for vehicles with historical relevance, though fuel for such vehicles will only be available if privately imported.
    • Diesel engines require no conversion.
  • Looking to the Future: Hydrogen Ion Engines
    • Research and future development
    • A nearly fuel-free electric option, which doesn’t need to sit parked to charge.
    • Powered by hydrogen-producing bacteria

2. Making Roads Safer and More Durable:

  • Recycled plastic roads
    • Cheaper than asphalt or cement
    • More durable, longer lifespan
    • Hold up better to temperature changes
  • Powered road elements
    • Power street lamps, signs, and illuminated signals
    • Power heating elements (34° F/ 1.11° C) to prevent ice and snow accumulation
    • Power cameras, and electronic speed and stop light monitors
  • Glow-in-the-dark road lines/markings
  • Increased use of reflectors including on buildings
    • Increase road safety
    • Decrease light pollution
  • Motion sensor street lamps, hooded, aimed down
    • Decrease electricity requirements
    • Decrease light pollution
  • Improving and increasing use of trains
    • High-speed interstate monorails and local trolleys
    • Utilize magnetic levitation technology on high-speed trains.
    • Produces zero friction, allowing for higher speeds.
    • Utilize hydrogen ion engines in all trains
      • Carbon-free emissions (only water emissions)
      • Quiet, low levels of noise pollution


Housing Standards:

New construction will be built to the following standards. Vacant housing will be upgraded/retrofit to these standards:

All housing will have:

  • Eco efficient electricity
    • 10 gauge electric wiring not older than 15 years
    • Solar panels where appropriate
    • Wind turbines where possible
  • Tankless water heaters
  • High powered low flow toilets with bidets
  • Atmospheric water generators
    • Generates clean water from humidity
    • Drinkable and good for showers, dishes, plants, etc.
  • Local produce victory gardens
    • Yard plot or community garden plot, as land availability dictates
      • Year-round aquaponics/hydroponics garden
      • AI guided recycling sorting
      • No grass lawns (instead: moss, local plants, food)
      • Food compost
      • Local foliage
      • A laneway, driveway, or garage
      • A vestibule, foyer, entry way, or porch
      • A single story or elevator
      • Mobility aid-accessible entry (ramp, elevator, etc).

Housing will have the following additional standards based on the specific climate of the location:

Additionally, housing will have the following added standards based on natural disaster occurrence:

No housing will be constructed or repaired in the following disaster zones:

  • Avalanche
  • Drought
  • Floodplains
  • Mudslide/Rockslide

Rural Protection and Restoration:

  • Reintroduction of native plants, as determined by the local Indigenous council
  • Reduction of invasive species, without introducing invasive species
  • Pollinator protection
  • Natural waterway and wetland protection
  • Transition from wood-paper to hemp
  • Protect old growth forests, no exceptions.
  • No clear cutting trees for single use wood products
  • Dismantle oil pipelines
  • Bioremediation, including but not limited to:
    • Oyster Mushrooms
    • Kale
      • DDT and heavy metal absorption
    • Vertical gardens to clean air carbon
    • Focus on the ocean’s microbiome health to clean carbon from the air
    • Sea trash skimmers
    • Micro plastic cleanup

Infrastructure Standards:

1. Cities:

  • Vertical gardens/forests
    • Clean carbon from the air
    • Cool city temperatures
  • Accessible pedestrian paths
    • Pedestrian paths around construction must be universally accessible
    • Curb cuts on all sidewalk corners
    • Arm extensions on crosswalk signal buttons
    • Kinetic plates in the sidewalks
      • Generate energy from pedestrian movement to contribute to powering street infrastructure
    • More cross signals at crosswalks, especially at multilane high traffic areas
    • Improve ADA standards to match these requirements, and apply them to all neighborhoods
  • Create additional alleys, and off street parking areas (laneways)
    • Clear up streets for through-traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians
  • Increased native foliage on all city streets
  • Reintroduction of female trees, including public fruit trees

2. Suburbia:

  • Non-euclidean zoning
    • Remove arbitrary grid zoning, which prevents residential and low-impact commercial areas from blending.
  • Convert suburban areas into mixed-zone walkable and accessible communities
    • Backyards and cul-de-sacs converted into public gardens, community spaces, and low-impact commercial areas

3. Industrial Zoning

Factories and high-impact commercial facilities, and any place that produces excess noise pollution, air pollution, chemical waste, or other hazards must be a safe distance from residential and agricultural areas.

Water and Waste Management:

  • Clean water coming into homes. Period.
    • Numbers vary from study to study, but between 2 million and 63 million households do not have clean drinking water in their homes. This is unacceptable.
    • No dangerous microbes
    • No dangerous chemicals
    • No dangerous levels of minerals or other non-water inclusions
    • Levels of “danger” are to be determined by scientific consensus, not by scientific outliers or politicians.
  • Wastewater Reclamation
    • No dumping of unclean wastewater
    • In addition to a multi-step filtration and purification process, use enzymes and bacteria that break down wastewater
      • Enzymes: protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, urease, and xylanases
      • Bacteria: Bacillus and anaerobic bacteria
    • MBR membranes in water treatment plants to catch microplastics
  • Garbage sorting required
    • Trash sorting robots
      • AI guided recycling sorting in homes
    • Plastic for use in road infrastructure
    • Metal recycled
    • Glass recycled
    • Paper recycled or composted
    • Food waste composted
  • Hazardous waste
    • Chemical waste reclamation
      • Use chemical byproducts for more chemistry, instead of disposing of them. (For example, if a byproduct of a process for making medicine is methane, that methane should be harvested and used in other things requiring methane)
    • Medical Waste
      • Bleached and burned
  • Human remains
    • There will be no costs associated with body disposal. (Death will still likely have material costs such as will management, and cultural practices like funeral events, etc.)
    • No more embalming
    • Organ donation
      • Under the Sherman Administration, organ donation will be required for all people, unless there is a medical exception in which case a donation to science for research will be made.
    • Burial Methods
      • Ocean
      • Tree
        • Human remains can be buried underneath a sapling
      • Natural Burial
        • Human remains can be buried, without embalming, in a shroud and/or untreated wooden box.
        • Cultural customs may be applied, as long as no efforts are made to prevent natural decay once interred, and nothing hazardous is put into the ground.
    • If this is unacceptable to the individual, a US citizen needs to complete a form that lets us know what they want done with their body once they pass away.


These improvements will be paid for using reallocated funds from the following departments (2021-2022 budget in parentheses):

  1. Agriculture Department (USDA) ($168.1 bil)
  2. Amtrak (AMTRAK) ($2.2bil)
  3. Appalachian Regional Commission ($235 mil)
  4. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ($1.6 bil)
  5. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management ($15 mil)
  6. Bureau of Reclamation ($64.4 mil)
  7. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) ($253 mil)
  8. Community Planning and Development ($146.6 mil)
  9. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ($68.7 bil)
  10. Department of Transportation (DOT) ($621 bil)
  11. Energy Department (DOE) ($88.87 bil)
  12. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ($76.49 bil)
  13. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ($405.1 million)
  14. Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) ($4 bil)
  15. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) ($13.5 bil)
  16. Fossil Energy ($4 bil)
  17. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ($1.6 bil)
  18. National Ocean Service ($884 mil)
  19. For National Security, Climate change-motivated relocation will come from the Department of Justice (at least 5 bil)
  20. Additional funding will come from the Environment Cost tax referenced in Triple Bottom Line

(The total sum of the budget items listed above is $1,057,642,000,000 annually or over $1.05 trillion).


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