Transgender Rights & Protections


The United States government, under the Sherman administration, is committed to ensuring equal rights, protections, and opportunities for all individuals; including transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals. This federal policy seeks to promote equity, eliminate discrimination, and protect the rights of transgender people in various aspects of public life, including education, employment, healthcare, and public accommodations.

Section 1: Definitions

1.1 LGBTQIA2S+: Stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and more. This acronym is used to describe the community of people whose sexual orientations or gender identities differ from the majority of the population.

1.2 Transgender Individual: A person whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned to them at birth. This term is inclusive of individuals who identify as transgender men, transgender women, and non-binary or as a genderqueer individual.

1.3 Gender Identity: A person’s innate sense of their own gender, which may be different from their sex assigned at birth. It encompasses a range of identities, expressions, and roles that may or may not align with an individual’s physical appearance or sex assigned at birth.

1.4 Sex: A set of biological attributes in humans and animals associated with physical and physiological features including chromosomes, hormone levels, and reproductive/sexual anatomy, typically categorized as male, female, or intersex.

1.5 Gender: Both a social and cultural construct related to behaviors, roles, expectations, and activities in society, and the behavioral, cultural, and/or psychological ideas associated with a particular gender identity. Gender can be fluid and varies across different societies and cultures.

1.6 Transgender: A shorthand medical term used to describe individuals whose gender identity or expression differs from what is traditionally associated with the sex assigned to them at birth. It serves as an umbrella term for various gender identities.

Trans: means on the opposite side of, or across

1.7 Cisgender: Refers to individuals whose gender identity matches the sex assigned to them at birth. The term highlights the congruence between an individual’s self-perception of their gender and their birth-assigned sex.

Cis: Latin term meaning on the same side of

1.8 Gender Binary: The classification of gender into two distinct, opposite forms of masculine and feminine, often based on one’s anatomy at birth.

1.9 Nonbinary: Describes a person whose gender identity does not fit within the traditional gender binary of male and female. Nonbinary individuals may identify as having no gender, both genders, or a different gender.

1.10 Agender: An adjective used to describe individuals who do not identify with any gender, or see their gender as irrelevant to their identity and experiences.

1.11 Bigender: Describes a person whose identity encompasses two genders, either simultaneously or varying between them over time.

1.12 Queer: An umbrella term used to describe individuals whose sexual orientation or gender identity does not conform to societal norms. While once pejorative, “queer” has been reclaimed by many in the LGBTQIA2S+ community as a term of empowerment.

1.13 Gender Expression: The external manifestation of an individual’s gender identity, through clothing, hairstyles, behavior, voice, and body characteristics. Gender expression can vary widely and may not necessarily correspond to societal expectations based on the individual’s sex assigned at birth.

1.14 Gender Affirmation: The process by which individuals recognize, accept, and express their gender identity, potentially through social, legal, and medical changes. This can include lifestyle changes, hormone therapy, surgery, and altering legal documents to reflect one’s gender identity.

1.15 Deadnaming: Referring to a transgender or non-binary person by a name they used before they transitioned. It is considered disrespectful and can be harmful, emphasizing the importance of using the name and pronouns that someone has chosen for themselves.

1.16 Two-Spirit: Refers to a person who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit, and is used by some Indigenous people to describe their sexual, gender and/or spiritual identity.

Section 2: Non-Discrimination

2.1 Equal Treatment: It is the policy of all organizations, corporations, schools, agencies, contractors, and programs receiving or not receiving federal funds to ensure the equal treatment of transgender individuals. This policy mandates that transgender individuals shall not be discriminated against on the basis of their gender identity or expression. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all entities that engage with the public. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of services, employment practices, and interactions within these entities. The objective is to foster an inclusive environment that respects and acknowledges the gender identity and expression of all individuals.

2.2 Employment: All employers shall enact and enforce policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity in employment and in the hiring practices of contractors. Employees are no longer granted religious exemptions to be bigots. If an employee wishes to use their religious beliefs as a way to harm or discriminate against a transgender individual, they will face disciplinary action, up to termination.

2.3 Education: Educational institutions and federally-funded educational programs shall ensure that transgender students have access to safe and supportive educational environments, including the use of facilities and participation in sports teams consistent with their gender identity.

2.4 Healthcare: Transgender individuals shall have access to healthcare services that are free from discrimination, including access to gender-affirming care, without barriers based on gender identity. Also, anyone who’s unsure of their gender or is questioning their identity can join support groups or get therapy from a professional, as part of our healthcare policy.

Section 3: Privacy and Identity Documents

3.1 Identification Documents: All organizations, corporations, schools, and agencies shall provide a streamlined and accessible process for transgender individuals to change the gender marker on their identification documents. This includes passports, identification cards, and driver’s licenses, consistent with their gender identity.

3.2 Privacy: All organizations, corporations, schools, and agencies shall respect the privacy and confidentiality of transgender individuals, of all ages, and shall not disclose information about an individual’s transgender status without their explicit consent.

Section 4: Hate Crimes and Violence

4.1 Hate Crimes: In connection with our Abolish the Police policy; all crimes committed against transgender individuals will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted to prevent and address bias-motivated violence. If a transgender individual is subjected to this, a provision will be made to provide legal recourse and financial resources to the individual until they have received resolution. We recognize the cost and time associated and feel the trans community deserves restorative justice for the trauma they have experienced.

4.2 Anti-Bullying: Federal educational institutions and programs shall develop and implement anti-bullying policies that specifically address bullying and harassment based on gender identity.

Section 5: Public Accommodations

5.1 Access to Facilities: Public accommodations, such as restrooms and locker rooms, are required to grant access to facilities in alignment with an individual’s gender identity. This provision mandates that public schools permit transgender students to use bathrooms and participate in sports teams that correspond with their gender identity.

Section 6: Training and Education

6.1 Training: Federal agencies shall provide training and education to their employees and contractors to ensure understanding and compliance with this policy.

Section 7: Enforcement

7.1 Enforcement Mechanisms: Federal agencies shall have mechanisms in place to enforce compliance with this policy, including investigation and sanctions for violations.

7.2 Reporting: Transgender individuals who believe they have experienced discrimination may report such incidents to the appropriate federal agency for investigation and resolution.

Section 8: Review and Updates

8.1 Periodic Review: This policy shall be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.

This federal policy on transgender rights and protections shall be implemented across all federal agencies, departments, and programs, and shall serve as a framework to promote equality, equity, inclusivity, and the protection of the rights of transgender individuals across the United States. The definitions mentioned in this policy are intended to foster understanding and respect for the diverse experiences and identities within the LGBTQIA2S+ community, emphasizing the complexity and fluidity of gender and sexuality. At the end of the day no one community is a monolith; if you have questions be respectful and ask them. These policies will be updated as needed, as new information or feedback is received.


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